Out of all my fashion struggles, I think shoes are by far the most challenging for me. Most of my time I wear casual or elegant shoes and rarely put on stretchy flats or sneakers, unless I’m exercising of course. That is because I think sport shoes do not emphasise a woman’s femininity. But if chosen right you could match them pretty well.
Moreover the current fashion trends allow for breaking of stereotypes – ugly, chunky, plateau-sneakers find their way into many outfits. Although a bit rough, i got to like them, although i would prefer the flat converse-type and sock sneakers more.
My outfit today is street style – a favourite t-shirt of mine with the logo „Life is better in sneakers“, skinny jeans and of course the sneakers. Those sneakers actually have a story by themselves – produced by the Giuliano Gudman designer, they are a unique piece.
Photography by Marg Basarova