Fracomina stories

My post and outfit today are once again inspired by one of my favourite brands – Fracomina.

If I look for the perfect jeans – the answer is always Fracomina denim. Every season they are my perfect eye catchers but this fall/winter season their “stories” are more than amazing – nice jeans, romantic shirts, blouses, dresses, cardigans and coats, all of them full of tender elements and colors like a love story.

The romantic side of Fracomina leaves you breathless – see for yourself:

And as for my look today – a tender skin colored blouse with velvet chenille roses and high super skinny “High Audry Capri Gold Rain” jeans, of course matched in a fashionway.

If you are in the US, you should definitely visit and see the collection yourself at the Fracomina store US.

Photography by Marg Basarova

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