In love with social

In love with social?

Can a simple outfit create in others the same reactions as the emojis printed on it. Not only can, it always does. When wearing something we see in the expression on the faces of others all kinds of emojis – smilies, grins or even shock. :). Sometimes a very simple outfit can make a great impression – both in person or on a photo, while a luxury one not so much. Of course sometimes the opposite is also true. It is essential carefully to combine the clothes with each situation, time, location and most importantly our mood. Because our face, smile and expression are our live emojis – they make us loved, liked and in love with social.

I am also in love with social – being in contact with many people, showing them my views and combining outfits that also express my mood and feelings, with emojis or not, but always in a fashionway.

Photography by Marg Basarova

Emojis fashion trend is everywhere

Nowadays we text more than talk and each conversation is full of many emojis, showing various expressions. I don’t know if they are stupid or not – people love them, and they become more and more popular, even in the fashion industry. We see more and more often outfits with emojis. The industry absorbs those emoticons and many designers are now offering cool outfits. I find this really great and stylish because a shirt, top or pants printed with emojis can be worth more than a thousand words :). Emojis on your clothes can’t compare to a regular conversation, but can still express meaning and your mood – in a way they can “speak” your feelings forward and why not in a trendy fashionway!

So, this is my feeling at the beach, wearing one of my favorite emoji tops – emotional, smiling, cool and trendy!

Photography by Marg Basarova

Little white lace dress

Little white lace dress

Summer, sun, white fun…

A little white lace dress for the sunny days – this is one of my favorite must have outfits with high heel. The combination of floral, lace and white is an unwritten symbol of the summer days. Lace makes me feel always great and looks amazing on a dress.

White dresses have always been key players in many wardrobes not only for the summer or for special occasions but also for every day.

I need to lighten up my looks – that’s why I always wear white with pleasure and make my summer days brighter.

Photography by Marg Basarova

Do you like floral designs and motifs?

Do you like flowers?

My answer to this question is a “YES” with big letters, because flowers are making me bloom, they are making me feel better and happier – like a medicine for the soul. Isn’t it great to receive flowers, to see flowers all around, to have many flowers in the garden and to wear clothes with them? Floral patterns, design and decoration give me energy and add color my days – they make me feel like a flower in a garden. And what is better than feeling like a blooming flower?

After women – flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world (Christian Dior).

Photography by Marg Basarova

Pink Love

My grandmother was a tailor. Since those days when i was little, trying to steal every leftover piece of cloth from her to make a new dress for my dolls, pink has been one of my favourite colors.

Why pink? Because pink is girlish, pink is sweet and tender.

That is why I decided my first post to be inspired by my childhood, just like my newly born blog. Back then, it was hard to have what you liked to in your wardrobe, even not impossible, as the system was like that in the country where I lived – only select models were available in the shops – no choice of color, model or style. But I was always secretly dreaming of having one day a wardrobe full of nice dresses, full of colors and of course also pink. Now, a grown up, I have what I wanted and my profession helps me with that. Pink remained my passion, no matter if in or out of fashion.

Colors are transient – some are in fashion, some come out of, but the color you like, is the one in which you look your best. For me – that is my pink love.

Photography by Marg Basarova