An exciting trip to Varna

I would like to share with you my exciting experience I had during my trip to Bulgaria this weekend. I was invited for a business meeting to Varna – a city at the Black sea cost, called the „sea capital“, by the owner of a popular Bulgarian magazine – Off Line magazine, from which I left extremely positive.

Off Line magazine is a popular lifestyle edition like no other in Bulgaria – offering practical advices and information from a first-person perspective. It aims to ease the traveling, but also much more than that – it tells stories about various trip destinations, gives advices regarding shopping and visits to exciting places and a lot of other activities that can fill one’s free time. The magazine includes objective and unbiased reviews of hotels, restaurants and landmarks, services, accessories and a lot more.

Meanwhile I cant miss saying a word about my outfit – my new Parka jacket which is a dream to wear and I love it so much.

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