Goodbye summer, hello autumn

I have been on the road a lot in the last weeks and I did not realise how fast the autumn has came with all it’s colors and beauty. In contrast with the bright summer colors, here I have switched to some neutral ones – nude and black to match the surrounding natural palette, full with different nuances. This dress is great for the new seasons’s start – long sleeves, but short and generously cut at the top and the elbows. The temperatures are still not cold enough to prevent us from enjoying the weather outside.

Photography by Marg Basarova

What about a chic black and white outfit idea

Is there anything more stylish than a dress that’s all black and white? Some might say you need color to be exciting but the contrast between these two colors is sure to thrill enough. Autumn comes with so many colors, that simple black and white fits perfect with the surrounding.

Together, black and white represent the minimum of the color palette, but they can also take the maximum out of an outfit, being eye-catching and sharpening the style.

The bright white color with the black flower patterns on my dress, blend in with the autumn yellow leaves backdrop beautifully, in a fashionway :).

Photography by Marg Basarova

Dreaming of an endless summer

Autumn is just around the corner but I’ve always dreamed of an endless summer. That’s why I would like to hold on to summer a bit longer in my blog with this post.

I love the fall and it’s colors but I’m not quite ready to put on my boots and coat and think about the cold days. That’s why I also wore with pleasure on the Vienna Fashion Week my favorite summer floral dress, imagining in my mind the sea and feeling the summer breeze.

The floral style, which was so trendy this summer, is still very much in also for the autumn dresses and many stores begin to stock their fall wears also with floral patterns. So, do not forget the summer feeling and keep wearing colorful clothes with flowers also in the fall season, of course always in a Fashionway!

Don’t want summer to end

Each year I cant wait for the summer to come, but as fast as it comes, that fast it also goes away. Although the autumn is at our doorsteps, I want to keep for longer the summer rays, the breeze and the sounds of the sea. As the summer starts to end, I have found myself starting to miss it already and it is not even over, because it brings light, carefree thoughts and life is less strenuous.

But each season has its upsides – September is the start of school and work, but that also comes with new opportunities for success and new beginnings.

Photography by Marg Basarova